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Studies on the protective effect of fish oil against cisplatin induced hepatotoxicity

Naqshbandi A, Khan MW, Rizwan S, Yusufi ANK, *Khan F

Cisplatin (CP) is considered as a major antineoplastic drug against a broad spectrum of malignancies. The tissue specific toxicity of cisplatin to the kidneys is well documented. However, at higher doses less common toxic effects such as hepatotoxicity may arise. Although cisplatin remains one of the most effective antineoplastic drugs used in chemotherapy, strategies to protect tissues against cisplatin toxicity are of clinical interest. Dietary fish oil (FO) enriched in ω-3 fatty acids is known to retard the progression of certain types of cancers, cardiovascular and tissue disorders. In view of this, the present study investigates the protective effect of FO on CP induced damage to liver. Rats were pre-fed normal diet and the diet rich in FO for 10 days and then a single dose of CP (6mg/kg body weight) was administered intraperitoneally while still on diet. Serum/urine parameters, enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism and oxidative stress were analyzed. CP caused perturbation of the antioxidant defense as is reflected by the decrease in the activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. Further the activities of various enzymes involved in glycolysis, TCA cycle, gluconeogenesis and HMP shunt pathway were determined and were found to be differentially altered by CP treatment. However, these alterations were ameliorated in cisplatin treated rats fed on fish oil. Present results show that dietary supplementation of FO to CP treated rats ameliorated CP-induced hepatotoxic and other deleterious effects due to its intrinsic biochemical/antioxidant properties.