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தொகுதி 5, பிரச்சினை 1 (2014)

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

Cell Cycle Arrest by Hybrid Liposomes for Human Lung Carcinoma Cells

  • Yuji Komizu, Mamiko Yukihara, Yoko Matsumoto and Ryuichi Ueoka

கட்டுரையை பரிசீலி

Environmental-stress-induced Chromatin Regulation and its Heritability

  • Lei Fang, Kenly Wuptra, Danqi Chen, Hongjie Li, Shau-Ku Huang, Chunyuan Jin and Kazunari K Yokoyama

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

Characterization of Clinical and Molecular Features Related to the Downregulated Expression of μ-Protocadherin in Colorectal Cancer

  • Wybrich R Cnossen Lorena Losi, Jean Benhattar, Silvia Pizzini, Andrea Bisognin, Sandra Parenti, Lucia Montorsi, Claudia Gemelli, Tommaso Zanocco-Marani, Paola Zanovello, Fabrizio Ferrarini, Sergio Ferrari, Stefania Bortoluzzi and Alexis Grande

குறுகிய விமர்சனம்

Somatic Hits in Polycystic Liver Diseases

  • Wybrich R Cnossen and Joost PH Drenth

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

Incidence Rates of Malignant Diseases in Childhood and Adolescence in Children to Swedish Fishermen

  • Ann Charlotte Dreifaldt, Michael Carlberg and Lennart Hardell

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

Molecular Profiling of Human Primary Chondrosarcoma-Derived Spheres Reveals Specific and Target Genes Involved in Multidrug Resistance and Metastasis

  • Vincenzo Desiderio, Francesca Paino, Angela Nebbioso, Lucia Altucci, Giuseppe Pirozzi, Federica Papaccio, Marcella La Noce, Alfredo De Rosa, Gianpaolo Papaccio and Virginia Tirino